Quantum mechanics permits the estimation of properties and conduct of actual frameworks. It is normally applied to tiny frameworks such as atoms, molecules, and sub-nuclear particles. It has been shown to hold for complex particles with many atoms, however, its application to people raises philosophical issues, like Wigner's companion, and its application to the universe all in all remaining parts speculative. Predictions of quantum mechanics have been checked tentatively to an amazingly serious level of precision.
Related Keywords:
Quantum physics | Quantum physics conference | Quantum physics conferences | Particle physics conference | High energy physics conference | Nuclear physics conference | Quantum computing conference | Astrophysics conference | Plasma physics conference | Quantum technology conference | Quantum physics meetings.
Related Societies:
American Physical Society, Canadian Association of Physicists, The British Vacuum Council, International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation Physics, German Physical Society, European Physical Society, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, European Nuclear Society, American Nuclear Society.